Killing Time
The set of a children's television show turns to chaos when a possessed puppet is unleashed on a pursuit of violence.
Tommy Simms • Director (Reanimation of the Imagination, The Legend of Leatherface Larry)
Joe Ludwig • Director (Denny, Glass)
Joe Ludwig • Writer (Denny, Glass)
Tommy Simms • Writer (Reanimation of the Imagination, The Legend of Leatherface Larry)
Fuzzysurf • Producer (Denny)
Ann Vollrath • Props, Set Design, Makeup
Jake Wylie Hess • "Satanic Jake"
Sean Lehner • "Himself" (Denny)
Ben Giddens • "Himself" (Denny)
Michael Roy • "Himself" (Denny)
Corey Murphy • "Himself" (Denny)
Tommy Simms • "Raccoon Wrangler / Carefree Dairy Man" (Denny, Glass, Reanimation of The Imagination)
Jamie Lehner • "Children's Show Director"
Franki Ludwig • "Coffee Girl"
Joe Ludwig • "Joest The Ghost Host"
Ann Vollrath • "Diner Dame"